Rich Froning Corporate Fitness Mayhem Mission Froning Farms Mayhem Hunt Buffalo Brew Coffee

EBOOK: 4 Week Program

30 Days to the CrossFit Open

$ 19.95 USD
1 review

Welcome to the beginning of your best CrossFit Open yet! We know preparing for the Open each year is an exciting undertaking that can also be somewhat stressful. Each week will naturally progress you to be as ready as possible by the first Open workout. The workouts are tailored for more “Open Style” workout preparation and includes enough lifting and aerobic work to keep you prepared in those arenas.

Just as important as having effective programming, we want to provide a way for you to approach training each day with intention, while having FUN! CrossFit (including the Open) is a hobby (not our job) for 99.9% of us. While we want to perform the absolute best we can, we also want to keep the mindset of enjoying the process, giving full effort all the way through gameday, and letting the results fall where they may!